Who hasn't been through the rollercoaster ride of
overwhelmed parental issues, and kids' bad behaviors?
Does any of the following sound familiar to you…?
✔ You want to grow a strong bond with your kids, and get your family connection back but ain't sure how to make it happen
✔ You have felt the frustration of trying out different tricks to make your kids listen to you, only to get disappointed every time
✔ You're tired of being worried all the time, and the life you're living doesn't feel fulfilling
✔ You want to be better equipped to handle your kids' aggressive tantrums, so you don't go into yelling mode when a situation gets exhausting
✔ You're feeling bogged down juggling the multiple roles, responsibilities, and gigantic to-do-lists in your day-to-day life
✔ You want to disconnect from stress and relish some quality me-time, but it sounds nothing short of a dream now
If so, then my dear struggling mama, you're not alone!
I've been there too, and I wish I could give you a big hug because I can completely feel your pain.
As you read through the rest of this page, you’ll find out that there is finally a tried and tested solution for it.
But before I tell you how you can finally change the behavioral problems of your kids and transition into a truly empowered, confident and accomplished woman, let me ask you a simple question…
Do you know the real reason why you're struggling to stop the troublesome behavior of your kids?
And it's not what you think!
The Real Reason for not being able to Break Free from Kids' Behavioral Problems is a Lack of the Right Direction…
You see, it doesn't matter how hard you try to fix kids' behaviors, and leverage multiple tools such as books, courses, tips…
Until you keep on missing this crucial technique, you won't be able to have your kids listen to you, let alone upgrade the quality of your relationship with them.
My friend, the problem is that most parents out there just focus on their kids too much, force beliefs on them, have too many expectations on how they want them to be and sadly, end up pulling their kids away even further.
For creating a deeper bond with their kids, they are usually unaware that what they need is to focus on themselves first.
Not only do they have to focus on themselves, but they also need to manage their inner selves, and make peace with their childhood and parenting past.
Because once they learn to effectively manage their behaviors, thoughts, and feelings, they'll be empowered to healthily cope with their kids' behaviors, reach a sense of serenity, and regain control of their life, and family connections again. And that's exactly what Conscious Parenting is all about.
Sounds too good to be true?
Actually, it's not. Many of other mums have already tried this method.
What clients say
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Now let's Explore What's Included In This 10 Weeks Conscious Parenting Program…
Week 1:
During this session, you'll gain clear insights on creating safety and connection, which will help you move forward effectively.
Week 2:
This is the foundation for the whole program. Here I'll help you set your intentions, and work out the tangled threads in your head to make peace with your parenting past at its core. So, you can fix everything within you that gets in your way.
Week 3:
Here you'll learn to shift your mindset as a parent and adopt new thought patterns. So, you can enter an altered state of awareness and achieve a heightened state of parenting consciousness.
Week 4:
I'll help you figure out what brain science means and how the human brain works so that further behavioural problems can be avoided. You'll also learn to develop emotional intelligence to reinforce positive thought patterns and live life stress-free.
Week 5:
Everyone knows forgiveness is crucial for love to exist in a family. In this session, you'll learn about patience control and look beyond the wrongdoings of your kids. So, you can quickly forgive and resolve conflict without feeling cranky.
Week 6:
Become a better communicator, and get in touch with your kids on an inner level thanks to my empowered conversations tips. So, the results of a deeper family connection will rush in.
Week 7:
This session is all about practicing and integrating a new mindset. The more you are consistent, the more you'll be able to ease tangled threads of your mind, and at the same time, regain control of your life.
Week 8:
During this session, you'll discover how establishing boundaries according to family values can help you prevent negative experiences before they occur.
Week 9:
Here you'll learn effective strategies to explore anger and disruptive behavior, so you can leave anxiety behind and deal with your kids' aggressive tantrums seamlessly.
Week 10:
With this session, engage in a powerful, and fulfilling process of your personal transformation towards a happier, confident, motivated, and empowered woman. This will allow you to reduce a variety of kids' behavioral issues, play with them, and cherish so many precious, soul-soothing moments together.